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The mission

Water from 'Fresh' by Bizarre Arts Water compo ? Sounds like sun'n'fun. But well, of course you have to code something - a routine simulating water in a 2d-array. These routines are probably known to most people, but it seems to me that still many people dont really know, what makes them tick. So I added some links, where you can read more about this.

Again we will have a "two-compos-in-one" package: fastest waterroutine and shortest waterroutine.

The deadline was: Sunday, December 14th, 1997.

  • Your contribution has to contain up to three routines: Water_Init, which will be called once to initialise your tables or whatever, Water_drop this has to initiate water movement at a given position of your water-array (like throwing a stone in it, or whatever :) ) and Water_do which is rendering the next water frame to a given buffer.
  • All tables or buffers have to be in a bss-section. Otherwhise they will be counted to the routines length.
  • Water_do is getting a pointer to a chunky screenbuffer in A0. All other registers contain unpredictable values, when the routine is called.
  • The screenbuffers size is 256x256. 0 is the darkest color, 255 the brightest.
  • For the size-compo only the length of Water_init and Water_do is measured.
  • The speed of the routines will probably be measured on 060/50. I will try to measure it also on 030/50 and 040/40.
  • Water_drop will get the drops position in x=D0.l and y=D1.l.
  • Try to avoid overflows , when there are lots of waves !!
  • Your entry will be published here, when the compo is over. In case you dont want that, please add a little note.

Here is a piece of the test-code for the water routines. Try it to make sure, that your routine doesnt produce any overflow with it!

		moveq	#31,d7
		move.l last,d4
		ror.l	 d4,d4
		add.l	 d7,d4
		move.l d4,last
		moveq	 #0,d0
		moveq	 #0,d1
		move.b d4,d0
		lsr.w	 #8,d4
		move.b d4,d1
		jsr	 water_drop
		dbf	 d7,.lop1

This is called once per frame, before the routine water_do is called. It is producing a kind of "rain" consisting of 32 "drops" per frame.

The Results

This time the participation was really low - only three entries in the "fastest" compo and four entries in the "shortest" compo. Not much to say about the results. The "shortest" compo was won by me (Azure), the "fastest" compo was won by Graham. All routines were tested on 68060/50.

Strangely this time several people had problems with the rules. R.A.Y. even did far more, than was needed. His shortest entry is also doing a kind of bumpmapping additionally, but despite of that his routine has some flaws. (Drops where no drops should be :) Shin forgot to adjust the water to the palette. Well - due to these problems I simply judged both entries as third placers.

Shortest Water Results:

Place Contributor Length
1. Azure 44/46
2. Graham 54
3. Shin (58)
3. R.A.Y. (60)

Fastest Water Results:

Place Contributor Speed
1. Graham 126
2. PG 134
3. Romeo 187

How was it done ?

The winning routine of the "Shortest Water" compo by Azure, 46 bytes version: (the 44 bytes version has a little flaw)

	lea     	data-5,a1

	move.l		(a1),d7
	lea     	5(a1,d7.l),a2
	eor.w 	 	#1,(a1)
	add.l   	(a1)+,a1
	move.b		(a1)+,d0
	add.b		-256(a1),d0
	add.b		256(a1),d0
	add.w		(a1),d0
	asr.b		#1,d0
	sub.b   	(a2),d0
 	spl     	d1
	and.b   	d1,d0       ; damping ??!? :)
	move.b  	d0,(a2)+
	move.b  	d0,(a0)+
	addq.w  	#1,d7
	bne.b   	.loop


In case you want to see the contributions code. Download the package here Please remember that, even if you can download these routines, they are still not public domain. Ask before using any of these routines, or give credits at least.

Last change: 16.01.2001